Conquer The Wall

22 Jul 20242 min read

When you hear about individuals changing the world, you might think they are naturally gifted. While this is true in some specific scenarios, it isn't the case for most people who reach the top. The real secret? Discipline and commitment. Showing up every day, regardless of the hardships you encounter, can take you really far.

Even though this isn't really a secret, many people don't seem to practice it. Why? Because it takes effort, a lot of it. In a world of instant gratification, effort and long-term planning are becoming increasingly rare.

When you begin a career, everything is new. You're starting from scratch, like a baby learning to walk. It's not fun being lost, but you must overcome the frustration and keep moving towards growth. You must learn to walk again!

A lot of people quit midway because they can't cope with this constant feeling of unease. They don't realize that becoming great is a never-ending battle. Always has been. Always will be.

It's like climbing a wall. At first, you have no idea how to do it. Should you jump higher? Build a ladder? Find a rope? You have to figure out a way to get to the other side. You struggle. You feel like you are not competent enough. After a while, it starts to make sense. You reach the top and feel capable. Looking back, you might even laugh at how small the wall really was.

Over time, you stop caring about the initial struggle and the uncertainty of new challenges. With each wall, your confidence grows. You understand the top has always been within your grasp. You no longer fear the unknown. Your mind is clear, and your goal is simple. You must, once again, conquer the wall.

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